Associate Professor
Social demography, health and aging, socio-economic transition from communism in East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union
B.A. Sophia University
M.A. Harvard University
Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
Email: ysugawara[at]
Tel: 03-3238-3564
Office: 10-501
Yuka Minagawa Sugawara is a social demographer whose research centers on social causation of health and mortality. She is particularly interested in the consequences of the post-communist social change on the health status of populations in East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Japan, her second region of study, provides another valuable case for the assessment of theories linking social environments and health. Her research on these topics has appeared in Social Forces, Population and Development Review, Health Reports, and Gerontology, among others.
Faculty of Liberal Arts
Graduate Program in Global Studies