Art History
B.A, University of California, Berkeley
M.A., Ph.D, Harvard University
Email: nmurai[at]
Tel: 03-3238-4064
Office: 10-657
I am interested in visual creativity that crosses and challenges established boundaries, such as between different cultures, different media, or between art and nature. One of my research interests is the presentation, reception, and interpretation of Japanese art and aesthetics in the US around the turn of the 20th century. More recently I have also been working on modern ikebana (Japanese floral art). I teach courses in modern Japanese art, Japonisme, and gender and visual representation.
・Noriko Murai, Alan Chong, et al. Journeys East: Isabella Stewart Gardner and Asia. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 2009. 479 pages.
Book chapter
・“Izabera Gādonā to korekushon, soshite bijutsukan kensetsu.” In Shikaku hyōshō to ongaku, edited by Shinobu Ikeda and Midori Kobayashi. Vol. 4 of Gendā sōsho. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2010. 317-21.
Journal Articles
・“Contemporary Ikebana and the Potential of Art History at the Boundary of Art.” Journal of History of Modern Art (Korean Association for History of Modern Art) No. 26 (December 2009): 211-244.
・“Amerika bunkashi no kanten kara yomu Cha no hon.” Japonisumu kenkyū 26 (2006): 33-42.
・“Okakura’s Way of Tea: Representing Chanoyu in Early Twentieth-Century America.” Review of Japanese Culture and Society XIV (December 2002): 1-18.
Faculty of Liberal Arts
Graduate Program in Global Studies